No. 1 Self Storage franchise Boxful New open in Suwon city gyeonggi-do
Hi this is Boxful Self storage aka ' 공유창고 경기도 수원 '
Recently We are plan to open New Self Storage Facility in Suwon 23th May.
Boxful unmaned Self Storage service is running 100% unmaned with sercurity smart storage system which is 안전 셀프스토리지 무인 셀프스토리지 창업.
you can storage your clothes in boxful professional hanger
Boxful is no.1 Self Storage franchise company in Korea also in Hongkong and Taiwan. If you want to store Camping material, moving item, Clothes, Golf club, 캠핑장비, 골프채, 자전거, Bicycle This is the right time to use Self storage service in Suwon gyeonggi-do we are offering 50% coupon now with very nice Boxful Self Storage smart locker.
You can check boxful Self Storage in Suwon 공유창고
박스풀 공유창고. 배송부터 짐보관까지 원할때 찾고 보관하는 짐보관 서비스. 24시간 직접 찾고 보관할 수 있는 모바일 셀프스토리지까지.
'보관 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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