First Self Storage in Jeju-do(Jejuisland) for exchange student and travel. 최초 제주도 물품보관함 for 제주도 서핑!

Hi! today Boxful open new and first self storage facility in Jeju-do Jeju island. 

Jeju self stoage, Jeju storage_ 제주도 물품 보관함, exchage student_ jeju university

Boxful Jeju self stoarge is unmaned self storage so you can easiliy book storage in web site with subscription. so it's very easy to use 물품보관함 which is self storage.  you can find right size of moving item and storage size on here. 

Self stoarge in Jejudo(jeju island) 제주도 물품보관 _ 제주도 서핑_제주도캠핑

boxful Self storage is very good for surfing, golf, moving service, short term jeju travel(제주도 한달살기, 제주도 일년살기) Also it's very good for zerowaste which is saving carbon emission.

zerowaste_self storage in jeju

there are huge promotion in Jeju boxful self storage and it's almost sold out. Please join boxful self storage promotion now!! 



Korea's leading door-to-door storage provider offering box storage, mini storage, and self storage options. Starting from 5,000won/month, we provide free on-demand mov-ing services to and from our secure and climate-controlled facilities. Best storage serv

