Ecommerce Fulfillment Brand landscape

In 2020, the global e-commerce market has seen a very steep growth due to COVID-19. It was a field showing continuous growth from 2010, but it would be correct to see the fire intensified in the face of this special case. Why is the fire intensified?


Un-tact preference due to corona

It's because people have come to prefer ‘Un-tact’. We are now scared of face to face with people we don't know, and it's common for people covering their noses and mouths with mask. It became common phenomenon.

Increasing the number of one-person shopping mall founders

The domestic e-commerce market is also showing a rapid growth every year. In particular, the knowledge of how to set up an online personal mall is released free of charge through YouTube, which inspires pre-N job seekers to sell something on their own. So, certainly more people open up an online shopping mall. Those e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba and etc. are well designed to attract sellers from all over the world to have more items in their platforms. The rate of entering the global market has increased as related information can be found online.

Now let’s see, in terms of purchase, what is the difference between the customer point of view and the seller point of view. If you look at the process of purchasing, for example, a drone from Gmarket from the perspective of a customer, first thing he/she will do is to access the Gmarket app, and find the drone you want, select the desired quantity, and click the buy button. From then, he/she got nothing to do but to wait for it to be shipped quickly. But from the seller's point of view, the process is the whole different world.

Once the purchase request comes in, you check the how many items are ordered. You should check if there are enough drones ready in stock and check out for defects. Next, start packaging. you ensure everything that the customer ordered is in the box and pack them to prevent damage during shipping. And then you check the customer's address, choose which courier to use, get in touch with the one chosen, and hand over the box to the courier. Besides, if you have competitors, you have to invest time in marketing. And also If you are losing money more than making, you must investigate what’s the cause or consult business expertise to improve the business model.

We created a domestic e-commerce ecosystem landscape because it would be great opportunity to see what is happening between seller and customer at the purchase. And also good opportunity to see at a glance what kinds of roles exist between sellers and customers and what roles each play.

We hope this work helps understanding what is happening between brand and customer, even a little!

Thank you for your time!



박스풀 - 풀필먼트

박스풀 풀필먼트, 원스톱 물류대행 서비스. 클릭 한번으로 입고, 출고, 그리고 재고관리까지 간편하게 서비스를 이용하세요.


